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Goal Setting: The Stairway to Success

"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score." - Bill Copeland

As an artist, it's important to constantly strive for growth and improvement. One way to do this is through the practice of goal setting. Setting goals can help you to focus your efforts, stay motivated, and measure your progress. However, it's important to set goals that are reasonable, specific, and achievable.

Tip #1 - Be reasonable

It's important to set goals that are challenging, but not impossible. If your goals are too big, you might not know where to start or how to achieve them. On the other hand, if your goals are too small, you might hit them too quickly and become complacent. It's important to find a balance between these two extremes.

Tip #2 - Break down big goals

If you have a big, long-term goal, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller, more manageable goals. For example, if your goal is to "grow as an artist," you might turn this into smaller goals like "record more songs" or "create more content." By breaking down your big goals into smaller chunks, it will be easier to stay focused and make progress.

Make you goals SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These are the key characteristics of well-defined goals. When setting goals, make sure that they are specific and clear, so that you know exactly what you are working towards. They should also be measurable, so that you can track your progress and know when you have achieved your goal. Make sure that your goals are attainable, meaning that they are realistic and feasible given your resources and limitations. They should also be relevant, meaning that they align with your values and priorities, and they should have a specific deadline to give you a sense of urgency and motivation.

Tip #3 - Set stretch goals

While it's important to set goals that are realistic and attainable, it's also important to challenge yourself and strive for growth. Stretch goals are goals that are slightly beyond your current level of competence, but still within the realm of possibility. These goals can help you to push yourself and achieve more than you thought you were capable of.

Tip #4 - Stay motivated

Finally, it's important to stay motivated and committed to your goals. One way to do this is to find an accountability partner. You can also create a vision board or a goal planner to help you visualize your goals and keep them front and center in your mind. Remember to celebrate your successes along the way, as this can help to keep you motivated and motivated.

By following these tips and principles, you can set goals that are meaningful and achievable, and take your art to the next level. Happy goal setting!

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